I read Barbara's journal at:
She had a fun idea that was passed on to her by another journaler. She went into google.com and typed in her name and the word 'has' into the search box and found many interesting things that women with her name had done. So I tried it with my name. I typed in: Kathleen has and this is what I found out:
Kathleen has had a change of heart sometime between now and July 2003.....
Kathleen has the unique ability to teach virtually anyone that no matter what....
Kathleen has been painting in watercolor for many years now....
Kathleen has extensive experience litigating employment disputes of all types...
Kathleen has also been a proponent of genomic research in space, and bio-infonano fusion in conjunction with NASA (you didn't know I was so smart, did you?)...
Kathleen has been reading the Tarot for 20 years professionally..
Kathleen has been an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church since 1983....
and the saddest of all:
Kathleen has lost 50% of her hair in the past week. (Oh, woe is me.)
That was fun and I do feel much better about myself since I see all of my accomplishments. I am, however, concerned about the Tarot thing and of course my hair loss is going to give me nightmares. LOL Also, I hope anyone reading this list understands the first paragraph before coming to any conclusions about me using this forum to brag about myself. (GRIN)....
I did this back in October last year,it's fun! Here's the link to my entry, http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/entries/722 Jeannette xx
Lol, had a quick go at this and picked my favourite one out
Denise has a hangover after a lock in at the Feathers
oh thats funny what you come up with. I afraid to look I might have some things I dont want lol
What fun ..how much of this was true !!,am off to have a go ...........Jan xx
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