My house was freakisly quiet today. LOL After having company for nearly 2 weeks things have returned to normal. My Dad and Mom left this morning for their drive back to Wyoming. They reached Beaver, Utah late this afternoon where they will rest for tonight. I like that they call each time they stop for the night to let me know where they are and that they made it safely.
I had errands to take care of early in the day and then I finally ordered my new glasses. It'll be 2 weeks before I get them but, hey, I saw the doctor for my new prescription on May 5 so what's another 2 weeks? I went to Costco and found ink for my printer at a pretty good price: 2 black and 1 color for $42... not bad. I also lucked out and found an Auto Adapter for Cari's I-Pod which is something on her
Birthday Wish List. The set includes an adapter and a UBC cable to connect the I-POD to her laptop so I guess that's a good thing. Right? I know NOTHING about I-Pods so I'm just hoping this stuff will make her happy. I am going to get her a wireless card for her laptop, too. I got wireless connection while she was in Italy so we can both be on the internet at the same time. Sam comes over and connects. He says it works great. Cari will be 22 on June 14 - Flag Day. When she was little we used to tell her all the flags were out in honor of her birthday. She doesn't buy that story any longer.
I want to say a few things about Dad's funeral yesterday. We were met by a full color guard carrying the U.S. flag and the Marine Corps. flag. The Marine Corp. hymn was played on the bugle by a volunteer from the Veterns of Foreign Wars. When we were seated, 7 VFW members gave a 21 gun salute and then Taps was played. After that, members of the color guard did the flag folding ceremony and the flag was presented to Dad's wife, Bernice. It was so moving and I know Dad would have been so proud of the tribute. The pastor's service was a celebration of Dad's life and captured his quiet, kind, reserved personality. Following the service, we hosted a luncheon here. Dennis made a poster board with pictures of his dad from the age of 4 years to the present. Everyone enjoyed seeing those. The day ended around 2:30 in the afternoon. It was just the perfect send off for a gentleman like Dad.
Now we are moving on and getting back into our normal routines. We'll always have him with us in our memories and we know he took the love we had for him with him when he went to heaven.
yes we got a lap top to have the girls and todd be on whilst imon mine. I hook my ipod up to my pc and love it to carry songs on to get thru my shopping at walmart lol that sounds wonderful about your dads honorguard.
So pleased Dens Dads funeral went well ,he was paid the tributes due to him ,you must have felt proud , may he now rest in peace .....Jan xx
I'm glad your mum and dad call to let you know they're OK, it's a long drive to Wyoming. The funeral sounds like it was the perfect send off for Den's dad, a lovely tribute to his life. Hope it wasn't too hot for you. Jeannette xx
what a lovely send of for your father in law, I m sure that he would have been the proudest Dad in heaven at the way things were arranged for his Celebration of Life (much prefare that than funeral)
take care
Lynne xx
Love the story about Cari and the flags :)
It's sounds like the service for your Father-in-Law was really moving and comforting....I'm so glad. I love the photo boards that people do for their family members and I'm sure it made Den feel good to honor his father in that way.
Pooh Hugs,
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