I'm using the color Sea Blue this morning since I'm listening to The Living Sea soundtrack by Sting. I love this CD especially when I have to drive any distance. It puts me in a peaceful mood and relaxes me. It takes me longer to type my journal entry because every once in a while I jump up and spontaneously begin to dance. LOL
Yummy! My daughter just got home from work. She brought me a Venti, non-fat, sugar-free vanilla latte with 2 shots of espresso. My treat for the day with enough caffeine to rev me up to finish 4 loads of laundry and get the dusting done. Cari works in a very nice coffee shop called Sips. It's comparable to a Starbuck's but Sip's coffee doesn't taste burnt like Starbuck's does. It's very good. She loves working there. The owners are great, the other coffee servers are fun to work with and many of the customers who go in to buy are regulars so she gets to know them. I stop in when I have to get gas in one of the cars because it's on the way to the gas station.
My Mom and Dad got home safe and sound last night. It was funny......at 5:00 p.m. I had not heard from them so I thought that they had probably made it all the way home. I decided to try to call them. My Mom picked up the phone on the fourth ring and started laughing when she heard my voice, "We just walked in the door 5 minut ago!" I laughed, too. Somehow my radar was working and I knew.
Last night about 8:00 a wave of sleepiness hit me. I was online answering some Email when I just started nodding off. I finished my business, turned off the computer, shut off the lights in my office and announced to my family, "I'm going to bed." Dennis, Cari and Sam all gave me shocked looks because I am usually a night owl. "You ARE kidding!" Cari laughed. I assured them I was very serious, blew them kisses and went up to bed. I think I was asleep by 8:45. I must have needed the extra sleep because I slept straight through until 6:30 this morning. I woke up feeling great. Rested and ready to take on the day. The events of the past two weeks just hit me last night around 8:00. Athletes call it 'hitting the wall', I call it Emotional Overload. All my circuits were fried and I needed sleep to recharge them.
I need to go to a craft store and buy a couple bags of stuffing; the kind you would use to stuff a teddy bear. I'm making a special joke gift for Ryan's graduation gift. I hope he remembers the incident because if he doesn't, the joke will be lost. When Ryan was about 7 years old, we were on our way home after school. I was, of course, driving the carpool, so my car was full of kids. Ryan was behind my seat, Robert was next to him, and I think Chad was sitting behind the front passenger seat. Cari and Kristin were in the 3rd row of seats behind the boys where they were safe from the boys' teasing. I couldn't have any of the kids in front because of the air bag deployment danger. Anyway, getting back to Ryan........ I was driving along and I feel this little tap, tap, tap on the side of my face. I look over and there is this smelly little dirty white socked foot tapping my face. I startle a bit and then hear Ryan call from the back seat, "Smell-a-gram!" Oh, my gosh! The kids all erupted in laughter and I could not help but join them. How does a 7 year old kid come up with smell-a-gram? He had the most mature sense of humor and I swear, everyday he would say or do something that would have all of us in a fit of laughter. He had asthma very bad as a little boy and his voice was quite deep and raspy and I think that is part of why some of the things he said where so funny. His voice was bigger than his little body. Anyway, I'm going to stuff an old (but clean) white sock with batting and give him a smell-a-gram for his graduation. He's going to go to Michigan State University and major in Mechanical Engineering but I still think he should have his own comedy show on TV.
wow love to see your crafty bear. I have had days when I sit here and just fall asleep as IM reading not often but now and then. I m so use to 3-4 hours sleep a night just now getting that most of my life has been 2-3. but I guess IM getting old!!!!!!! GRRRRRRR.
All of a sudden your get up and go got up and went ,you need to charge your batteries now and again ,love the idea of the smellogram lol .........Jan xx
Funny, I was falling asleep at the computer at 8 o'clock tonight!! I hope Ryan remembers his smellogram incident else he'll think you've gone raving mad!! Have a good weekend. Jeannette xx
Post a pic of the bear when you get it finished! :)
Have a good weekend.
OMGosh.....my Mandy just graduated from MSU in Dec!!!! She LOVED it there, had 4 great years and received a GREAT education. Small world, huh? It's about an hour and half from us, maybe if you visit him sometime, I can come and meet you for lunch or something....how cool!!! :)
Here's another small world.....I also love "The Living Sea" sountrack and ALSO listen to it for relaxing.......do-do-do-do (imagine me humming Twilight Zone here)!!! LOL
The sock story was cute....kids just crack me up!
Pooh Hugs,
Hi Kathy, I`m glad your Mum and Dad got home safely. LOL at Ryan`s smell-a-gram, children have such brilliant senses of humour! Thanks for the advice you gave me for sorting out Marshall. I`ve followed your advice, and with him being a GSD and very intelligent, he is obeying me now he knows I mean business. Thanks again, I really appreciate it. :o)
Sandra xxxx
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