Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Ahh, what to write?  I guess I'll start with the weather report.  It's hot (92 degrees) and windy with low humidity.  I had a nice day.  I met my good friend, Dianne, for lunch.  Lucky for me, traffic moved smoothly going and returning.

My grandson, Nathan, met with the principal at the school he will attend in the fall.  The principal wanted to assess his social skills and maturity level to make sure he would be ready for Kindergarten.  He won't be 5 until a week after school starts. During earlier assessment testing, he had trouble identifying letters.  He knew everything else that a kid starting Kindergarten should know which is great.  After meeting Nathan, Mr. P was quite sure that Nathan would do just fine as long as he worked on his letters before school starts on August 15.

Now his sister Megan, who will be 7 on the 29th of June, has taken on the job of teaching Nathan his letters.  I talked to my son this afternoon and he said Megan has flash cards, paper and pencils, and a game that teaches letters all set up in the loft.  I can just imagine the scene.  Megan loves being the boss and getting all 'official'.  She even gets that 'official' tone in her voice.  Nathan is so easy going that he goes along with the program and lets her teach him.  He'll take it for just so long and then she will get a little too bossy and that will be the end of that....until the next time.  LOL

I'm going to close for now.  I can't think of another thing to write.    See y'all later.........   ô..ô











Anonymous said...

now they are cute as can be. low humidty heck we dont even get that in winter lol

Anonymous said...

Well, it's now close to 2:00 a.m. and I've been catching up with journals since 6:00 last evening!! When you have over 80 journals that you read and miss a few days....YIKES is all I can say :)
I LOVED reading your entries, they always make me smile....you really write well. Plus, I was SO EXCITED to see a picture of you, even if it was in black and white <hehe>. You are so pretty Kathy and looked almost exactly how I had pictured you.....I LOVE when that happens!
I got teary eyed when I read all the nice things you said about your DIL....my MIL has never liked me and still doesn't. She was so mean to me about my weight all those years and was so upset and embarassed that Marv is married to me. I didn't post this in my journal because Mandy reads it and I didn't want to make her feel bad by publically talking about it, but this weekend ended on a very sour and sad moment for her. She went to see my MIL for about 15 minutes at 9:00 p.m. (she flew in and came straight to the wedding and had to leave home at 3:00 a.m. for the 3 hour trip back to the Detroit airport) and in that short period of time....her Grandma called her "Chubs" twice and told her she couldn't believe she let herself go like that. I kid you not. My poor Mandy was in tears and her self esteem shattered once again by that 88 year old woman who is still obsessed with weight. Grrrrrrr. That's why I love reading your entries, I love how you talk about your son's family...thank you for giving me that smile.
Also had to tell you one more little Twilight Zone thing....we have Nextel phones too and of course my incoming rings play the "Winnie The Pooh" theme song :) But, you can set specific rings for certain people and when Mandy calls me....it plays "The Little Mermaid"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, are we related and not know it? :)

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

They are both beautiful children

Anonymous said...

Lovely photo of your Grandchildren, my first M-I-L could be a bit of a hurtfull with her comments but my second M-I-L was lovely and we got on like a house on fire,
take care Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

Bless Megan for helping Nathan, I hope he gets to learn a lot from her. I could read at the age of three and when I started school I used to have to help others who weren't able to read, I think they learn it better from another child. I'm sure he'll pick it up quickly, they're lovely looking kids too! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

How lovely ,they certainly are lovely children ,how nice for Megan to teach her brother his letters ,Big sisters are often bossy ,I was !!,there have to be some bonuses lol ........Jan xx