Tuesday, December 26, 2006

How did it go?

Well, Christmas is behind us.  All the packages have been opened and the bright paper and pretty bows went out with the trash today.  Empty boxes are stacked under the tree waiting to be folded, stored and used again.  I managed to salvage 1/2 of the gift bags I bought.  I will remove the tags and tuck them away for next year, too.

My Mom braved the crowds today.   She went to Target to by a camera that was on sale and came home with it and 4 large rolls of Christmas wrap that she snagged for 50% off.  I appreciate her efforts and will tuck them away for future use.  She even went to the Christian book store and bought her Christmas cards for next year.  I may try to go over tomorrow and see if they still have any nice ones available but it's not an urgent matter.

My joy, of course, was making Christmas special for my three grandchildren.  They had a great time opening their presents and each one brought smiles of delight.  My mission was accomplished successfully. 

Our dinner was delicious, I am told.  I had another nasty cold so I could not taste the food I prepared.  It got good reviews from everyone including my brother-in-law who would have told me it was awful if it were.  I trust his assessment and he loved it. 

We celebrated on Saturday so Christmas Eve and Christmas Day it was quiet and uneventful around here.  Christmas Eve I didn't even bother changing out of my pajamas all day.  I slept most of the afternoon and then went to bed very early hoping the extra sleep would help get rid of this cold.  Christmas Day wasn't much livelier.  I did take a shower and get dressed but I don't think any of us, except Cari, ever left the house.  She went to her boyfriend's family's for the day and evening.

Finally, today I am feeling somewhat like myself again.  I took my Dad to the chiropractor and after lunch went to Sips for coffee with my parents and then grocery shopping.  That was a big day for me.  LOL

My dad, poor soul, has been down in his back since he has been here.  My chiropractor has been seeing him and he is finally feeling a little better.  We went 3 times last week and we will go 3 times this week before he goes back to Wyoming. 

My sister is coming back tomorrow and will be here for the rest of my parents visit.  She was here Wednesday through Saturday to visit.  Her husband came down from Central California on Friday which was great.  We all celebrated on Saturday and then they went to his parents' home near San Diego.  Tomorrow, he will drive home and Carol will drive here.  I'm so glad she is coming.  We have such a good time together.

So much has gone on since my last official entry but I don't have the energy to write about it.  95% of it is good so that is nice.  I will tell you that my Aunt Helen is doing much better.  She had been having quite a lot of pain after her surgery but we heard today that she is doing much better and her spirits are very good.

One other special item to report:  Hudson Lee Snell was born on December 24, 2006.  He weighed 8 lb. 1 oz. and from what his grandmother, Joan, says, "He is just adorable and amazing!"  Congratulations to my friends, Greg and Joan on the birth of their first grandchild.  Oh, do they have some fun and wonder in store!


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Merry Christmas from Kasey

Pssst..........it's me, Kasey.  My mom has been too busy to do an entry but she wasn't too busy to put me in this stupid elf hat and take pictures today!  Jeez........  I was so embarrassed.  I know, I know, I can't believe I sat there and let it happen.

After the picture session was over, she sat down and made Christmas cards with one of these pictures on it to send to people!!!  Can you believe it?  She thinks it's cute!  My gosh, I could just hurl.

I put up with so much from her but you know, she takes good care of me and we're a good team.  We're buddies and I know she'd do anything for me so I guess I can tolerate one embarrassing moment a year.

You all have a great Christmas and if you have any extra turkey scraps could you FedEx them to me?

Love,  Kasey

Sunday, December 10, 2006


It's been a while since I've posted an entry.  I've been sick with a nasty cold and just have not felt like sitting down to write.  There have been other things going on, too, that have made me withdraw for a bit but I am feeling better physically and emotionally so here goes.............

I would like to update news about my Aunt Helen first.  The pathology report came back showing that she had a rare form of microscopic cancer cells that travel throughout the breast.  It only occurs in about 15% of cancer patients.  Her surgeon and Helen felt it was in her best interest, and to insure the best possible outcome, for her to have a radical mastectomy.  Her surgery was last Friday morning.  She did very well and was released on Saturday afternoon.  She went through a short, well deserved depression after getting the news that she would have the second surgery but she rallied and faced it with a positive attitude and she is showing her determination and willingness to do what it takes to get well.  All three of her children were with her the morning of the surgery which was a huge emotional plus for her.   My parents are driving down today to visit with her so I will have another report soon.

My Dad's leg has completely healed.  The cast is off and  he is walking without any discomfort.  He is having some physical therapy to help get back some muscle strength.  Since he is doing so well, he and my Mom have decided to come for Christmas.  WOW!  What a huge surprise.  They are arriving this coming Wednesday and will stay until New Year's Day.  I am so happy that they are well enough to make the trip and that they will be here to celebrate with us.  Now I have to hustle to get things done before they come.  YIKES.....

Today, we will be celebrating Dennis' birthday.  It's tomorrow but everyone is coming for dinner this afternoon.  I am so excited because I bought him a giraffe to go with the elephant he bought when we were in Cambria together months ago.  I know he's going to love it. 

I was up in Cambria for a doctor's appointment on Friday.  I drove up Thursday and came home Saturday.  A very quick turnaround trip but it was worth it.  I was able to get the giraffe on Thursday.  Carol and I went to see my Dr. on Friday morning.  Good news!!  My 3 month blood sugar test came back NORMAL for the first time.  5.7.   I am excited beyond belief.  It's been coming down over the past year but to hear him say, "It's normal", was wonderful.  I am either 8 or 18 pounds away from my goal.  He told me to lose 8 and see how I feel.  He thinks that would be a good weight for me but it's 10 less than my initial goal.  He then told me if I still want to lose another 10 that would be OK with him.  I don't think I've ever been within 8 pound of goal.  I'm kind of in shock - numb.  LOL  We shall see.  I go back to see him on Feb. 9.  I hope to have that 8 pounds off so we can talk about where to go when I'm there.

I may let my grandchildren help me put my Snowman Soup packets together this afternoon.  If I do, I will take pictures of the process to post so those of you who want to see how they go together can take a look.

That's if for now.  I've got some chores to do before the gang gets here.

Have a blessed Sunday.



Christmas Survey

Barbara swiped This Christmas Survey From Val at There is a Season and I swiped it from her:  http://journals.aol.com/mastersblynn/ConfessionsOfAnAngelWaitress/
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?  Both

2. Real tree or artificial?  
We have an artificial tree because my daughter and I are allergic to the real thing (darn it).
3. When do you put up the tree? 
We put it up about two week ends before Christmas.  It went up this weekend.  My husband and daughter decorate it and I take it down.
4. When do you take the tree down? 
We take the tree down right after New Years. 
5. Do you like eggnog?  No.
6. Favorite gift received as a child?  A record player.
7. Do you have a nativity scene?  I have a collection of about 10 different nativity sets.
8. Hardest person to buy for?  It used to be my father-in-law
but he passed away this year.  Now I would say it has to be my
husband.  He never wants me to buy him anything.
9. Easiest person to buy for?  My Grandchildren are the easiest to buy for.  The hardest part is knowing when to stop buying for them.  LOL
10. Mail or e-mail Christmas cards?   Mail and email, mostly mail. 
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? A radio from my husband about 2 years after we were married.  The most unromantic thing he ever got me.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie?  We have a family tradition of watching "Christmas Vacation" and "Christmas Story" every year.  We all love to recite all the joke lines from Christmas Vacation and make fun of Clark and Cousin Eddy.  LOL
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas:  November 1st but I never go shopping the weekend after Thanksgiving!
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?  No, we don't exchange with many people and if we did that, everyone would know. 

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Our Christmas eve dinner is usually Prime Rib, baked potatoes, steamed broccoli, tossed salad, rolls, relishes (olives, etc) and pumpkin and/or apple pie for dessert.  I serve this because our two kids go to  Christmas Day dinner other places and it is usually turkey and all the goodies that go with that.
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree?  This year, colored lights.
17. Favorite Christmas song(s)?  "I'll Be Home For Christmas"
(this one always makes me cry), "Rock Around the Christmas Tree",  "The First Noel", and all the old traditional songs.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home?  We stay home.  The kids come here on Christmas eve and then Bryan and Shannon go to Shannon's mom's on Christmas day and Cari and Sam go to his parents' for the day."
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?  Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, on Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen and Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer.  I think there's a Stinky, Blinky, Dinky, and Bert in the stable, too.  LOL
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel, handmade by my mom years ago with material and lace from my grandmother's sewing box after she passed away.  (My mom made each of my grandmother's grandchildren a Christmas angel using material and lace from Grandma's sewing box. I'll treasure it forever.) 
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? <FONTLANG=0 FAMILY="SCRIPT" PTSIZE="10" color="#c0130a"> Christmas Eve.

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year?  I'm the only shopper and wrapper.  It gets to be a little too much sometimes.
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? We have 2 themes.  Toys and Red, silver and white.  This year it's toys.  I posted pictures above. 
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner?  My mother in-law's turkey dinner with her famous creamed onions and herbed mashed potatoes.  She was a wonderful cook and her Christmas dinners were the best EVER.  She passed away in 1982.  It's never been the same.
25. Do you have Jesus in your heart this Christmas?  Yes.  Jesus is at the heart of our Christmas.  In fact, this year, each of us is giving each other a Bible verse that we find that has a special meaning about the person we are giving it to.  This is the first time we've done that.  I have all my verses written out.  It was a joy to find them and to dedicate them to those I love most in the world.   We always read the Christmas Story out of the Book of Luke at dinner.  It's typed out on cards and placed in order on the dinner plates.  Dennis starts and he reads the first few verses and then it proceeds to his right until it goes around the table and the story is told.  This tradition brings the meaning of Christmas into our hearts and into the center of our celebration.     

          Have a Blessed Celebration! 

Saturday, December 2, 2006

A Few Morning Updates

Written in Pink in Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness:

My Aunt Helen's lumpectomy went well on Wednesday.  The pathology report will come back on Monday so we are waiting for that but everything went as expected.  She is healing well and has no pain and only a little discomfort.  Her spirits are great and she is even going to move into a new assisted living home on Tuesday.  This says a LOT.  She is looking forward to going into a new house where there is more activity and the other residents are more aware of their surroundings and able to interact.  The house she is living in now has 5 other residents and they are all in varying stages of Alzheimer's.  They pretty much watch TV all day and there is little to no inter-action.  Helen has a few memory problems but doesn't have dementia or Alzheimers so she will benefit from a more active living arrangement.  She will start radiation in about a month.  This usually involves a course of treatment that goes on five days a week for five or six weeks.  There are other alternatives but that is the norm.  I don't know what her doctor will recommend but my cousin thinks this will be her course of treatment, too.

I'm feeling a little better this morning.  I rested a lot yesterday and went to bed early last night.  I slept in stages which is normal for me when I'm sick.  I slept from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m.  and then 10:30 until 3:00 a.m. I had to change my pajamas because I was dripping wet and then I went back to sleep from  3:30 to 5:30.  I got up at 5:30 for tea and an apple then went back to sleep until nearly 10 this morning.   Probably would have slept later buy the phone woke me.

My mom spent 4 hours in the ER on Thursday with a nose bleed.  The Dr. ended up having to cauterize it and pack her nose with gauze to get the bleeding to stop.  She will have the packing removed on Monday.  She gets nose bleeds often but not like this.  I hope this isn't going to become a chronic problem for her.  Poor mom...  She has worked for months sewing baby blankets, doll blankets, baking cookies, pies, fruit cakes, and making minced meat for the church bazaar which is today.  This is her day to shine.  Her booth usually brings in the most money at the bazaar every year.  Her doctor told her she has to stay home with her feet up.  So, pouting like a baby (LOL), she took all of her goodies to the church and one of her good friends is going to sell her goods in her booth this year.   One of her biggest sellers is Snowman Soup.  She made over 120 packets of it this year and she is going to be so disappointed not being there to see it fly off the shelf.  I will post the recipe because it is a fun thing to use as a stocking stuffer and it's very easy to create.

When Cari gets home from work at noon, we are going to a Christmas Boutique so she can buy some Scrapbook supplies.  I promised to get her a bunch of paper, stickers, etc. for her to use to scrapbook her Italy trip.  We are just getting around to doing that.  My daughter is SO busy that this is the first time we have had a chance to do this.  I need to put a leash around her neck and pull her in once in awhile.  I miss us just getting in the car and taking off for the mall for a couple of hours.  Those times just don't happen often enough anymore.

That's all for now.  Just a little of this and a little of that this morning. 

Friday, December 1, 2006

Sick Call

How could this happen?  I was so diligent about getting a flu shot and quite cocky when people around me started getting sick.  I said, "See, you should have had a flu shot!"  And now look!  I've been hit with the nasty bug and it makes me angry.  I want my money back.  LOL  Started with a sore throat and stuffy nose.  Now I have the aches, throbbing head, stuffy nose, and cough. Poor me.

I'm taking very good care of myself.  I slept for 2 hours this afternoon.  It was an awesome nap.  Real deep sleep with lots of dreaming.  Mmmmm, I love naps like that.

I made a big pot of spicy chicken soup last night and I will heat it tonight for dinner.  Nothing tastes better when you're sick than hot soup.  The spices in it opens up my head and makes me feel better.

That's all for now.  I'm too pooped to type.