Is this a hopeful color? LOL I was looking at all the colors looking for one that looked hopeful and this is the one that I chose. When I think about it, this color really fits the topic I'm writing about because it's close to my skin tone. I'll connect this in a second.
I went to my water aerobics class today. There wasn't as many women there today because the 4th of July is next week. I guess some lucky people are taking the Friday and the Monday off and making it a real vacation. After class, I talked to the instructor for a few minutes and asked her what I could expect as far as toning and firming up. I explained that I had lost a lot of weight and I thought I might have to have surgery to get the results I wanted. She told me to do the class 2 to 3 days a week for a year before deciding whether or not to have surgery. She said I might really be surprised how much good the exercise would do and I may not need to do anything that hurts. LOL Now wouldn't that be wonderful? I would be so pleased and so would my savings account. LOL So you see, this color is skin color and we were talking about skin toning.... oh, well, it was a stretch, I know... forgive my silliness.
This is Megan's favorite color. Her bedroom is painted two different colors of purple with a border of fairies separating the two. Tonight we are going to dinner to celebrate her birthday and then going back to their house to watch the kids perform their new swimming tricks. Every moment spent with them is a joy for me. I can't wait!
An update on my Aunt Helen. Since she was transferred to a nursing home/rehab center she is getting physical therapy every day. She still does not have much strength because she is hampered by the hip replacement. She still needs help turning in bed, sitting up and she cannot get out of bed without the aid of the therapist. Her spirits go from very good to in the pits which is understandable. She is frustrated, scared, and feeling uncertain about what the future holds. My Mom and her youngest sister, Ruth, drive to Denver from Laramie, Wyoming (about 2 1/2 hours north of Denver) every 10 days or so to see her and they call when they know my cousin, Vicki will be in the room to help with the telephone. This is going to be a long road back and prayers are appreciated.
That's it for the moment so until later............... ô..ô